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Boom in new breweries beats lockdown

Boom in new breweries beats lockdown

New breweries, numbering 210, opened in 2020 despite the corona virus and the shut down of pubs for many months, according to figures from the leading accountancy firm UHY Hacker Young. There are now 3,018 breweries in the UK and the company thinks many owners looked for new routes to market when pub sales were not available. It thinks drinkers are becoming more adventurous and are seeking out new styles of beer.

Added: Monday, March 15th 2021


Lockdown: pouring beer down the drain

Lockdown: pouring beer down the drain

Two craft brewers in Hertfordshire -- in common with small brewers everywhere -- are having a tough time. Farr Brew is planning to pour casks of ale down the drain and its cellars are full of unsold stock while 3 Brewers has its brewer furloughed and can't supply the 200 pubs that take its beer. Pictured: Farr Brew pumps on the bar of the Elephant & Castle in Amwell

Added: Friday, January 29th 2021


New team buys St Peter's Brewery

New team buys St Peter's Brewery

One of Britain's oldest craft breweries, St Peter's in Suffolk, has been bought by a group of beer lovers following the decision by founder John Murphy to retire. The brewery, based in an old moated hall in the countryside, is famous for its quirky oval bottles and for a range of ales and no-alcohol beers.

Added: Wednesday, January 27th 2021


BrewDog in bid to save the planet

BrewDog in bid to save the planet

Scottish brewer BrewDog plans to plant one million trees by 2020 in the Highlands in a bid to capture carbon. Founders James Watt and Martin Dickie say that while they have reduced carbon emissions at the brewery they knew, when they heard a lecture on climate change by Sir David Attenborough, they had to do more to help save the planet. The BrewDog Forest will host retreats and workshops for drinkers who want to do more to help the planet survive

Added: Sunday, August 23rd 2020


Brewers at war over tax reform

Brewers at war over tax reform

Plans by the Treasury to reform the tax incentives in Small Brewers Relief have caused a major row in the brewing industry. By changing the threshold at which higher duty is levied, a number of small brewers say they could be forced out of business. A coalition of bigger brewers say the current threshold is a barrier to growth and needs to be removed. Both SIBA, the voice of small brewers, and CAMRA are opposing the changes

Added: Thursday, July 23rd 2020


Georgina Young heads St Austell brewing

Georgina Young heads St Austell brewing

Georgina Young, former head brewer with Fuller's in London, has been appointed director of brewing for the St Austell group. She moved to Bath Ales's new Hare Brewery in 2019 but, following the death of Roger Ryman in May, she is now charge of brewing operations in Cornwall as well as Bath.

Added: Thursday, July 16th 2020


Liverpool gets a love in at Love Lane

Liverpool gets a love in at Love Lane

Steve Crawley has brought the much-missed Higson's beers back to Liverpool -- but there's a lot more to be found at the Love Lane Brewery in the fashionable Baltic Triangle. Pale Ale is far and away the biggest beer, backed by IPAs and Baltic Stout. And there are modern gins to please a young clientele as well as excellent food

Added: Friday, June 26th 2020


Merger: will Marston's lose its pedigree?

Merger: will Marston's lose its pedigree?

The merger between Carlsberg and Marston's gives the Danish giant the upper hand. "Synergies" will mean accountants will be looking for cost-cutting and savings and this could be bad news for some of the breweries and brands in the Marston's group. And the future of Draught Bass, brewed by Marston's for AB InBev, could be in doubt. Left, the main brewery in Burton-on-Trent

Added: Saturday, May 23rd 2020


Plans for brewery at Edinburgh university

Plans for brewery at Edinburgh university

Leading Scottish brewer Innis & Gunn has submitted plans to Edinburgh council for a new brewery to be based at Heriot-Watt University with its world-famous school of brewing. I&G plans to produce both lager and its Original oak-aged beer at the new site, which will also have facilities for canning and bottling. Pictured: an artist's impression of the new brewery

Added: Thursday, May 21st 2020


Duncan Sambrook is Young's at heart

Duncan Sambrook is Young's at heart

Duncan Sambrook opened his brewery in Battersea when Young's closed in Wandsworth in 2006. Now Duncan plans to move his plant to the former Young's site that's now part of the Ram Quarter of housing and offices. He will restore a tradition of brewing that goes back to the time of Elizabeth the First.

Added: Friday, May 8th 2020

