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Hobgoblin adds IPA to top selling range

Added: Monday, November 20th 2017

Hobgoblin IPA

Oxfordshire’s Wychwood Brewery has added a new beer to the Hobgoblin range, a 5.3% IPA. It joins the celebrated Hobgoblin Ruby Ale, the second-biggest selling premium bottled beer in Britain, and the pale Hobgoblin Gold, one of the fastest-growing beers.

The IPA has joined an unstoppable bandwagon that sees the style growing by 33% a year and is especially popular with younger drinkers of both sexes.

It’s brewed with pale and Vienna malts – Vienna gives a biscuit and butterscotch note to beers. The hops are traditional English Fuggles and Goldings, with the addition of American Centennial, Chinook, Citra and Mosaic for “dry hopping” – adding hops following the copper boil.

The pale bronze beer has a rich and tempting aroma of mango, peach, melon and cinnamon, balanced by peppery hops. Juicy malt makes an entry on the palate, balanced by bittersweet fruit and peppery hops and a touch of butterscotch. The finish is long, fruity, bitter and hoppy and splendidly quenching,

The beer is on sale in Asda, the Co-op and Morrisons and will get wider distribution in 2018 in both the on and off-trades.