Liverpool ladies say 'Cheers' to beer
Added: Saturday, March 28th 2015

By Julie O’Grady
Ladies that Beer was born from an idea developed in a group of friends who enjoy meeting up socially over a beer in pubs in Liverpool. We don’t profess to know all about beer, but what we do know is we like it and we want other women to like it, too.
For too long, beer has been predominantly associated with men. Mention “real ale” or “beer” and more often than not women will think of a much older generation of men grouped in a pub, swigging pints. It’s very much male-orientated.
There is resurgence of real ale, and craft beers are also becoming more popular – so we want to be part of that. Ladies that Beer gives women the opportunity to go out socially, enjoy beer, try new drinks (by sharing bottles or flights) and most importantly not feel awkward or out of place when discussing different beers.
Julie O'Grady

Now more groups of ladies are beginning to regularly frequent beer festivals as the laid-back atmosphere gives them an opportunity to enjoy a vast array of beers and learn about them.
Ladies that Beer is about getting more women into the beer world and allowing those who may not have before, to feel comfortable and confident enough to ask questions they may never have done while waiting at the bar.
The majority of men see it as positive and they support what we are about. We have even had local brewers contact us saying they are happy to arrange tours and talks to help give us a better insight into the brewing world -- which we are happy to take up.
So if you want try beer, extend your palate or just have a great night out, we will be more than happy to welcome you to one of our nights in Liverpool.