Great British Beer Festival - we Are All Londoners Now
There were many fine messages of support for London following 7 July but the most poignant was a one-sentence letter in the Guardian from a…
Added: Monday, August 1st 2005
The Great British Beer Festival 2005
Crouch Vale, one of Britain's longest-running micro-breweries, won the prestigious Champion Beer of Britain competition on Tuesday 2 August at Camra's Great British Beer Festival…
Added: Monday, August 1st 2005
Mauldons - The Black Adder Brewery
White smoke suddenly gushed from the chimney at Mauldons as we stepped from the brewhouse into the loading and delivery area. Steve Sims roared with…
Added: Monday, August 1st 2005
Who's Afraid Of The Big Bad Hops?
Are British beer drinkers afraid of challenging flavours, hop bitterness in particular? The question is prompted by the recent news concerning the Meantime Brewery in…
Added: Friday, July 1st 2005
The Importance Of Geography
Somewhere deep in the bureaucracy of the European Union there is a unit composed of highly-paid people whose job is to think up the most…
Added: Friday, July 1st 2005
In Praise Of Regionality
Is the British brewing industry on the verge of yet another major upheaval? Wolverhampton & Dudley has paid
Added: Friday, July 1st 2005
Sunshine & Smiles At The Beer Factory
Bristol lost its historic George
Added: Wednesday, June 1st 2005
Pierre Celis, Maestro Of White Beer
PIERRE Celis has been so badly mauled by global brewers that it was good to find him sprightly and cheerful at his home in the…
Added: Wednesday, June 1st 2005
Pale And Interesting
Lager beer, most of it a pale pastiche of the golden beers brewed in the Czech Republic and Germany, accounts for more than 90% of…
Added: Wednesday, June 1st 2005
Make Mine A Mackeson
Have you had a Mackeson recently? The answer is probably no, as it's a beer that is hard to find these days. A trawl of…
Added: Wednesday, June 1st 2005