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Apr 2024

Fierce IPA, Fierce

Added: Monday, April 1st 2024

Style IPA ABV 5.0%

Fierce IPA, 5%

I approach new IPAs with caution. Will this one be so thick and glutinous that you expect to find a goldfish swimming in it? And will it be so packed with grapefruit that you could have it as a breakfast pick-me-up?

I’m delighted to say that Fierce IPA, despite a cartoon hop on the can with a glowering face, is as clear as a bell and while it does have a citrus kick from the hops there’s a good balance of biscuit malt as well. The can promises a bittersweet character and the description is spot on.

Fierce is based in Aberdeen and was founded in 2015. It has made quite a mark in its first nine years. It won 14 medals in the 2020 Scottish Brewing Awards and was named Scottish Brewer of the Year the following year. It has bars in Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Manchester.

IPA is brewed with pale malt and hopped with American Citra and Mosaic varieties. It’s gluten free and suitable for vegans.

It has an aroma and palate bursting with pine, nectarine and orange notes from the hops but balanced by the biscuit and caramel character of the malt.

£2.95 a can.

Fierce IPA, Fierce