Alfie's Revenge, Driftwood Spars
Added: Wednesday, February 1st 2012
Style | Old Ale | ABV 6.5% |
Alfie's Revenge won the prestigious Champion Winter Beer of Britain award in January and the beer will now go forward to the Champion Beer of Britain competition at the Great British Beer Festival in August. It's brewed by Pete Martin in the brewery attached to the Driftwood Spars pub at Trevaunance Cove, St Agnes, Cornwall. The beer takes its name from a stuffed red squirrel that was stolen from the bar of the pub.
The beer came top in the Old Ales and Strong Milds category in the competition held in Manchester. It's available on draught in the pub and also in bottle-conditiioned form. It's brewed with pale, crystal, brown and chocolate malts and hopped with English Northdown.
The beer has a pale copper colour and a nutty malt and spicy hop aroma with hints of raisin and sultana fruit. Bitter hops kick in in the mouth but are balanced by rich, burnt fruit and chewy malt. The finish is bittersweet but becomes dry with a rich, "fresh bread" malt character, spicy hops and sultana fruit.
£2.10 per bottle plus post and packing from Driftwood Spars:; 01872 552428; Quay Road, Trevaunance Cove, St Agnes, Cornwall TR5 0RT. The pub and brewery are keen to establish commercial sales so please encourage beer shops and other retailers to stock the beer.