Two new IPAs from Greene King

Greene King has added to its craft and cask portfolio with two new beers. Double Header celebrates the history of its home town where King Edmund was beheaded by invading Vikings and then became a saint. Imperial IPA recalls the original IPAs of the 19th century and is based on a recipe found in the brewery archives.
Added: Sunday, March 23rd 2025
Guide pinpoints Britain's top pubs

Phil Mellows and Kate Simon have compiled a brilliant book that celebrates the best British pubs along with paces to stay and places to visit throughout the country, This is a great contribution to supporting and saving community pubs at a time when so many are closing
Added: Thursday, March 20th 2025
Digging deep for brewing history in Herts

Hertfordshire grows fine grain for brewing and the county once had a multitude of malting companies. Now there's only one and McMullen is the last remaining major commercial brewer. But in his new book, Martyn Cornell reports there are now a number of new craft breweries using grain from the eastern counties
Added: Monday, March 10th 2025
Thornbridge adds new Union beer

Thornbridge Brewery, which rescued a redundant Burton Union fermentation set from Marston's last year, is launching a new beer, 1838, at CAMRA's Great British Winter Beer Festival in Rotherham next week. The name commemorates the year brewer Peter Walker registered his Union system that went on to be widely used by brewers of pale ale and IPA
Added: Tuesday, February 4th 2025
Allsopps: keeping beers in Burton family

Jamie Allsopp, a descendant of the great Burton brewer Samuel Allsopp, has found recipes for IPA and Pale Ale from the 19th century and recreated them along with the famous/infamous keg beer Double Diamond. The beers are on sale at Jamie's pub, the Blue Stoops in Notting Hill, London. The pub takes its name from Allsopp's first tavern in Burton.
Added: Sunday, February 2nd 2025
Santa, it's time to get the beers in
A superb range of beers for the festive season that make great…
Indie brewers tackle 'misleading' globals
Britain's legion of small independent brewers is tackling the problem of drinkers…
A love affair with the British pub
Adrian Tierney-Jones has written a remarkable book that's more than a pub…